Welcome to the "Food Plot Journey" brought to you by Tecomate Seed & WeHuntSC.com. During this journey members of the WeHuntSC.com team will document the steps, experiences, and journey of creating and managing a Tecomate Seed food plot. We will blog our way through this journey and Mike Lee, the Tecomate Seed Southeastern representative, will guide and instruct us on the appropriate measures and procedural steps for creating and managing a food plot.
So stay tuned throughout the off-season as we will document what we learn, the errors we make, the good things we do, and also the images we get from the food plots via game cams and video. It should be an interesting journey to say the least. Mike has also offered to give a seminar that will be open to the public on this initial visit to Pageland. More details will come on this, but just know that it will be around late April / early May.
Here's the plan:
We're going to plant 3 different Tecomate Seed products on 3 different tracks of land. These will all be small food plots and will all showcase new, feature Tecomate Seed products. We are going to have "exclusion fences" on these food plots so as to show the audience what is happening.We will link to every blog from the Food Plot Journey below.
Best Regards,
The WeHuntSC.com team

Food Plot Journey Blog Entries:
- Tecomate Seed Partners with WeHuntSC.com for online "Food Plot Journey"
- Food Plot Journey Introduction
- Collecting a Soil Sample
- Soil Sample Readout
- GroundHog MAX and Remote Food Plot Work
- Liming the Food Plot
- Preparing to Seed
- Planting the Seed
- Milorganite
- Planting Seed & Milorganite (Remote Food Plot Edition)
- Exclusion Fences (Remote Food Plot Edition)
- Fertilizing the Food Plot (Remote Food Plot Edition)
- Food Plot Update
- It's Time for Another Soil Sample + Remote Food Plot Update
- Tecomate Update: Mike Lee takes on new role
- Update: Game Camera Pics from 2 Tecomate Seed Food Plots
- More Fall Plot Soil Samples + Spraying
- GroundHog MAX work on the Fall, Remote Food Plot
- Fall Food Plot - Preparing the Soil
- Liming & Seeding the Fall Food Plots
- Fertilizing the Fall Food Plots
- Remote Food Plot Update
- The Hunt of 1,000 "What If's"
- Food Plot Update - December
- Tecomate Seed Foot Plot Journey Wrap-Up