We are able to enjoy the freedoms we have every day because of the sacrifices made by our military personnel. WeHuntSC is looking to give back to our service members by giving away 2 free guided deer hunts to disabled veterans. We will do our best to ensure some action for these lucky vets.
How to Enter
Entering is simple, just submit the form on the left. We will conduct a random drawing from all submitted veterans and contact the winners soon. The cut-off date for submissions is October 23rd, 2024.
Hunt Logistics
These hunts will take place Pageland, South Carolina area. We would like to connect with the vets around mid-day, get some food, then go to the range mid-afternoon to get familiar with the guns, then head out to the stands that afternoon with the hunts concluding in the evening. Other pertinent info:
- Date: Saturday, November 9th, 2024.
- Time: These will be afternoon hunts with a meal before them.
- Arms: All guns and ammo will be provided
Vets are able to bring 1 care-taker or friend with them if so desired. All participants will sign the release waiver before the day begins.