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Custom WeHuntSC.com Skull-lok?s by Jon Eichorn
     WeHuntSC.com - Custom WeHuntSC.com Skull-lok by Jon EichornWeHuntSC.com - Custom WeHuntSC.com Skull-lok by Jon Eichorn
  Custom WeHuntSC.com Skull-lok by Jon Eichorn
We are excited to announce that we?ve already got a couple of the prizes that some of next year?s deer competition winners will receive!  Jon Eichorn out of Iowa makes Skull-Loks and he?s made 3 custom designs for 3 of our upcoming deer hunting competitions.  As you?ll see below I?ve already had them out looking at them and I can tell you that they are quality and we?re going to have some happy hunters this coming season.
What is a ?Skull-lok? you might ask? A ?skull-lok? is exactly what it sounds like it is? it?s a way to lock your deer skulls onto a bracket which can be mounted on the wall.  The bracket just happens to be a custom design cut from metal and polished up with a good, smooth finish.  For our competition winners, the custom design is the outline of the greatest state with the Palmetto tree and crescent moon in it.  It looks really good too!  The end result is going to be the glossy metal, SC state shaped bracket, with a nice deer skull and antlers on top of it on the wall.  The only question is? whose house will these 3 skull-loks be hanging in???
WeHuntSC.com - Custom WeHuntSC.com Skull-lok by Jon Eichorn    
WeHuntSC.com Skull-lok  & pieces  
My mom just happen to be walking by when I opened the package and she saw the skull-lok brackets when I pulled them out of the bag and she said ?Oooh?what is that? I want one? can I have one?? lol!  Then I informed her of what they are and how they work and she said, ?Well can we just hang one up without the deer antlers on top?? I had to inform her that this wouldn?t be possible and she seemed saddened by this, but she definitely perked up when she saw the quality of the SC shaped piece.
Even with all the ridges on the wall mount everything is very smooth so no worries about cutting anything.  Jon did a really nice job from the concept, to the design, to the cut, to the glossy finish.  We?re pumped about being able to offer this new style of mounting brackets to 3 of our upcoming deer competition winners.  Jon is a creative guy and I?m sure he can do any custom design requested.  If you?d like more information on getting a skull-lok then contact Jon Eichorn on his Skull-lok web site.  
Thanks again to Jon for going the extra mile and donating these to our competition winners!

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