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Commenting on Photos & Videos now active
   WeHuntSC.com - Commenting Feature Active on Media Gallery
  Tell'em what you think about their images and/or videos

While the new media module (the part of the application that lets you upload photos & embed videos) is way better than our previous photo gallery, it has been bothering me that we haven?t been able to comment on the photos and videos.  Sometimes the technical stuff takes longer to work through and communicate?especially when you?re planning a wedding, but now it is possible!  I?m pretty excited about it too.

If you go to the ?Game? pages or ?Trail Camera? page you will see (when you click on an image or video) that you can now post comments beneath the pictures while inside the lightbox.  Hopefully, this added functionality will better serve our audience? aka? you!

For all you tech-heads, this commenting feature is available via some major AJAX (asynchronous javascript & XML).  Matter of fact, the whole modal/lightbox effect is AJAX. 

Also, if you have been looking at the site a lot, when you first go to the site you may not see the images because the cached page in your computer.  You will need to press F5 or refresh in order for them to appear.  When it first happened, I thought I had somehow deleted all the images in the gallery and I almost had a heart attack, but then after I thought about it, it made sense. 

So ? comment away and tell Hoot how good his dogs look on the rabbit page!



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