WeHuntSC.com Blog


Blog Entries from the WeHuntSC.com blogging crew

WeHuntSC.com turns 1
  WeHuntSC.com - WeHuntSC.com turns 1
  WeHuntSC.com turns 1

With anything that you put a lot of time into, I think it?s important to stop every now and then and look at the big picture to see where we?re going and where we?ve been.  So at the 1 year mark, I think it?s a good time to look at the progression of the site. 

I?d like to say thanks to the site visitors, registered members, the WeHuntSC.com team, and our sponsors.  We couldn?t do it without all these groups coming together.  It?s neat to meet hunters across the state and beyond and to discuss hunting via the blog, message board, pic/video pags, etc.  I?m glad that we are able to host an environment that facilitates sharing of information for hunters in South Carolina.  We also enjoy delivering the prizes to the competition winners.  It?s neat to see the winners get their prizes, especially the kids.  The kids really eat it up and make a lot of the work worthwhile.

When we first started the site, I really wasn?t sure what to expect and didn?t know how it would go over with everyone.  Since then there has been a lot of enthusiasm, excitement, and synergy around the site.  I?m glad everyone was upbeat about it or I probably wouldn?t have continued to make edits and update the site.  Throughout the year, I?ve learned a lot about this platform (the web application that our site runs on) simply from running this site.  So, just as I enjoy seeing what?s going on around the state, I also enjoy figuring more out about web design and learning the ins and outs of the framework. I?ve got some more functionality that I?m trying to dream up and add to the site, but there just aren?t enough hours in the day for me to get it all done, but hopefully I will be able to make it happen at some point in the future.  So it?s a constant learning process for me?and I enjoy the challenge.

As far as the site goes, in less than a year we?ve noticed considerable growth in interest from sponsors.  Hunters are a tough group to reach and I think this is why sponsors are open to working with us in hopes of reaching you all!  So the more you come, the better the sponsors will be, and the more prizes you?ll be able to win!  We?re starting to look at some duck hunting competitions and will be adding some new bloggers soon. Hopefully we?ll continue to reach out to hunters from all ends of the hunting spectrum and be able to host more competitions.  All we need is a couple sponsors and we?ll put a competition together.  So if you?re reading this and want some exposure for any kind of product or service you have, just let us know.

From the standpoint of metrics, we?ve been gradually rising in hits.  Over the course of a year (Sept 9, 09 ? Sep 9, 10) we?ve observed the following data:

  • 18,706 visits from 6 different continents
  • 120,403 page views
  • Users visit 6.44 pages per visit
  • Average time on the site: 6:23
  • SC alone sent 12,054 visits from 201 cities
  • NC alone sent 2,292 visits from 159 cities (so our neighbors are interested as well)
  • Top YouTube video from our YouTube Channel (the video about the GroundHog MAX) has over 1,000 views to date
  • Over 1,200 fans on Facebook
  • Over 100 followers on Twitter

I anticipate that the hits will go up some here as deer hunting season approaches especially with the competition prizes being very nice this year!  The images below demonstrate the hits from SC, NC, & the US.  We only lack 2 more states before we have had a visit from every state.

WeHuntSC.com - SC analytics view from year 1

WeHuntSC.com - North Carolina analytics from year 1

WeHuntSC.com - The map from year 1

So thanks again to everyone who has been part of the site whether you?re on the WeHuntSC.com team or are a registered member of the site, or simply someone who comes and reads, but never comments.  We?re going to keep pushing and try to find ways to make the site better in 2010 ? 2011. (Send us your suggestions if you have any and I?ll get with my web buddies and see if we can code something up)

And don?t forget? if you?re entering a competition READ THE RULES and PUT THE DATE IN THE PICTURE!



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