WeHuntSC.com Blog


Blog Entries from the WeHuntSC.com blogging crew

2010 SC Deer Competition Winners

*If you are one of the competition winners we will contact you via email soon!

You voted and now here are your winners:

WeHuntSC.com - GroundHog MAX Buck of the Year Competition Winner: Brantley WeHuntSC.com - Muzzy Archery Competition Winner: Spitfire100 WeHuntSC.com - True Timber Youth Competition Winner: Kyle Sutton
Buck of the Year Winner: Brantley Archery Competition Winner: Spitfire100 Youth Competition Winner: Kyle Sutton


WeHuntSC.com - McKenzie Scent Fan Duffle Women's Buck of the Year Competition Winner: Heather Clarkson WeHuntSC.com - True Timber Doe Competition Winner: Eddie Ramzie
Women's Buck of the Year Winner: Heather Clarkson Doe Competition Winner: Eddie Ramzie

In a couple of days we?ll have some happy hunters in South Carolina when we deliver the competition winners their prizes!  I?ll take some pics/videos and will post a blog about the prize delivery too! If you?re interested in seeing the results of the voting, go back to the vote page to see the results.

Thanks again to all who participated and to our many sponsors who have donated the prizes for our competition winners. 

Be sure to tune in early next season to get the updated rules for next year?s competitions!




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