WeHuntSC.com Blog


Blog Entries from the WeHuntSC.com blogging crew

2012/13 Waterfowl Season - Team WC Making it Rain.

We started off with a slow to good
early goose season with most of our corn fields being cut late due to being to wet.  Once, they were dry enough to cut, so were everyone's. This gave the geese
too many areas to go.

Thanksgiving season, I spent in Arkansas with friends Eric McKinney & Taylor Sweetin of Cuttin Outdoors and mentor Butch Richenback, founder of RNT calls in Stuttgart.
We had a great Timber hiunt with the Cuttin Outdoors boys, which are part of our Team Wrecking Crew.  Butch worked with me in the RNT shop, along with several other
RNT team members.

Friday after Thanksgiving, was the "Super Bowl" of all contests, the Intermediate World Duck Calling Championship.  In 2011, I finished 5th and had really high hopes going into this year. After blowing in the 1st round, I was tied for 3rd place, only 2 pts behind the leader.  Note:  Callers do not see there scores until afterwards.  I did realize I blew a solid 1st round and was pumped and ready for the 2nd round.  Traditionally, the 2nd round is where I really show out, but this year I over blew the call and made a distinct bad note.  With this being the World Contest, and my first two scores combined, I wasn't fortunate enough to make the 3rd and final round of the top 5.

I was disappointed for sure, for Butch, Clay of Xpress Boats, who came to watch, and everyone here in SC who support me.  I kept my head high, and congratulated the winners, and drove back 13 long hours. Moving forward in 2013, I will be competing as an adult, and I only have one thing to say, look out the kid is coming!

When the 2nd split of duck season came in, it was our best "opening day" in SC in the last 10 years.  We had some good friends of ours, Brandon & Daryl McCants from Georgetown, SC hunting with us that day.  We were blessed to harvest 15 mallards, 1 woodie, 1 teal, 1 mergie and 3 geese. And yes, all wild birds!!

As the season went on, it went from super to good, to slow to awful, with  several weeks of mild to hot temperatures for December and January. Our team kept on "Grinding" and making the best of it.  

Attached is a video of our season and I hope you enjoy it, because "it's who we are" and "what we live for"!

Click Here for the Video

Good Hunting ~ Blake

2012 Big Buck Competition Winners Receive their Prizes

One of my favorite parts about running the website is meeting our competition winners and giving out their prizes to them. Over the course of last weekend and this past week I met all 3 of our competition winners. I traveled to the Cheraw, SC area and the Rock Hill, SC area to meet our winners. These upstate guys are really harvesting some nice bucks and running the gamut on our competitions. Low-country boys where are ya’ll at?

Thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s competitions and especially our sponsors. Without the sponsors our competitions wouldn’t be possible. The winners walked away with some great prizes courtesy of some very generous sponsors.

Next up… the 2013 Predator Competition – SIGN UP HERE

Our top 3 winners were

  1. Ben Holiday, Chesterfield
  2. Rick Currence, McConnells
  3. Bryant Rivers, Cheraw

Below are some pictures of the guys receiving their prizes.



2012 Buck of the Year Competition Winners

I’m always excited to announce the winners and give out the prizes for our Buck of the Year Competition. This year we had some really good entries and we also adjusted the voting rules so that voters had to be site members and could only vote once a day. This reduced any possible “gaming” of the voting system which was a request from many site members.

So let’s cut to the chase… this year’s winners were:

1st Place: BHolliday’s “The Buck That Wouldn’t Give Up” – Chesterfield County



2nd Place: Rick Currence’s “Muzzleloader Buck” – York County




3rd Place:  BRiv89’S  “8 Point” – Chesterfield County


Congratulations to our winners and thanks for participating in this year’s competition! Now, we have some prizes to get delivered. So winners… contact me at [email protected] and we’ll line up some logistics.




2012 Waterfowl Competition Winner Announced
Even though the weather made it tough on duck hunters this year, we still had some good entries in our WinnTuck Waterfowl Competition.  Over the past 3 days the site audience has voted for the winner of the competition and ?Renee?s 1st Limit? entered by ?BFlow? won the competition by a landslide receiving 83% of all votes. 
WeHuntSC.com - 2012 Waterfowl Competition Vote Count
Congratulations to Renee on her 1st limit & on winning the competition. 
WeHuntSC.com - 2012 Waterfowl Competition Winner
BFlow or Renee feel free to contact me via email to work out a date/time to claim the prizes.

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