WeHuntSC.com Blog


Blog Entries from the WeHuntSC.com blogging crew

2013 WeHuntSC.com Turkey Competition Winners Announced
This past turkey hunting season was not a good one for me because I didn’t get to go out much due to work and travel. Even though I was unable to get it done there were some who did! I’m excited to announce our winners of the 2013 CRKT Turkey Competition!

Coming in first place was Jimmy Bradley of Pageland, SC with a nice 4-bearded gobbler

Jimmy Bradley's Winning Gobbler

2nd place went to Bruce Puett of Marlboro County

Bruce Puett and his Marlboro County Gobbler

And 3rd place went to Tony Pope of Kershaw County

Tony Pope's gobbler

Thanks again to the sponsors of our 2013 Turkey Competition. We would not be able to host a competition here on the site without their contributions. 

If you were a winner please contact me here through the site and we'll get you your prizes shortly!

Thanks again everyone..



2012 Waterfowl Competition Winner Announced
Even though the weather made it tough on duck hunters this year, we still had some good entries in our WinnTuck Waterfowl Competition.  Over the past 3 days the site audience has voted for the winner of the competition and ?Renee?s 1st Limit? entered by ?BFlow? won the competition by a landslide receiving 83% of all votes. 
WeHuntSC.com - 2012 Waterfowl Competition Vote Count
Congratulations to Renee on her 1st limit & on winning the competition. 
WeHuntSC.com - 2012 Waterfowl Competition Winner
BFlow or Renee feel free to contact me via email to work out a date/time to claim the prizes.

2010 Deer Hunting Competitions Announced

* I will continue to update this blog entry and the competition pages as more sponsors become involved.  So keep checking the list because the prize packages will continue to get better.

We?re pumped up to see what everyone around the state will be seeing and harvesting this coming hunting season.  As usual, we are hosting a couple competitions on the site and hunters from all over the state will compete to win prize packages and we?ve got some really good prizes to give away!  This year we have removed a competition and added 2 new ones to the mix.  You should also notice the rules for the competitions before posting any images because we are changing how the competitions work a little.

The Rules and New Changes

  • Only registered users can post pictures ? Why do you have to register to post pics you ask?because we need your contact information in case you win.  You would think it?s easy to get in contact with a winner, but many submissions have been posted to the site without a contact email address.  By registering to the site, we?ll have your email address in our database.  Don?t worry, it?s free to register and we?re not going to spam your inbox.  Anyone can post pics/videos to the regular galleries, but only registered users can post in the competitions
  • Date has to be in the picture - Due to some pictures from previous hunting seasons being posted (and complaints about it), this year we are requiring that the date be written on something in the picture to validate when the deer was harvested.  Yes, this is a pain, but if you do it right and win it?s worth the minor inconvenience.  If you?re reading this blog and hope to have an entry, then stop right now and go find a black sharpie and put it in your hunting bag just in case.  Also, if you can think of a better way to go about validating when the deer was harvested just let me know.  Any entries submitted without the date in the photo will not be considered valid entries and therefore will not win.
  • Quality of photo is highly important ? Obviously we can?t verify the weight of your deer with 100 % accuracy or the legitimate number of points on the rack.  We must trust your word in this matter.  This is why we factor in the quality of the image into the competition because sometimes the truth gets stretched!  So if you shoot a 10 point, 170 lb buck and take a bad picture and someone else shoots a 10 point, 150 lb buck but has a better picture then the best picture will be selected before the deer with the higher weight.
    Tips for taking a quality pic
  • Voting ? This year we are going ?American Idol? style with it a little.  We are going to cut off all entries on Jan 1 and will narrow it down to 3 finalists for each competition.  I will post those 3 finalists here on the site on Jan 3.  We will open the top 3 contestants to online voting to let everyone else determine the winner.  We will let voting run for 7 days and then stop the voting on Jan 10 and announce the winners on Jan 11.  Prizes will be delivered shortly thereafter.

Again, see the rules for each competition before posting

The Competitions & Prizes









  1. GroundHog MAX Big Buck of the Year ? This competition is to see who bags the biggest buck in SC.  The winner will receive:
    1. A GroundHog MAX
    2. A McKenzie Scent Fan Duffle Bag
    3. A True Timber Camo Hat & Vinyl Sticker
    4. A WeHuntSC.com Vinyl Sticker
  2. Muzzy Archery Buck of the Year ? This new competition will find out who drops the biggest buck in SC with a bow and arrow.  The winner will receive:
    1. A Muzzy Ex-celarator drop away arrow rest
    2. A Muzzy 6 pack 100 grain broad heads
    3. A McKenzie Scent Fan Duffle Bag
    4. A True Timber Camo Hat & Vinyl Sticker
    5. A WeHuntSC.com Vinyl Sticker
  3. McKenzie Scent Fan Duffle Bag Women?s Buck of the Year ?This competition will find South Carolina?s #1 deer hunting diva.  Ladies, need help removing perfume/lotion scent that that may reside on your hunting clothes?  Just win this competition and you won?t have to worry.  The winner will receive:
    1. A McKenzie Scent Fan Duggle Bag
    2. A True Timber Camo Hat & Vinyl Sticker
    3. A WeHuntSC.com vinyl sticker
  4. True Timber Youth Buck of the Year ? The True Timber Camo Youth Buck of the Year competition will highlight upcoming hunters from around the state and will see which youth can harvest the nicest buck.  This competition will receive:
    1. A True Timber Camo Ground Blind
    2. A True Timber Hat
    3. A McKenzie Scent Fan Duffle Bag
  5. True Timber Doe Competition - The True Timber doe competition is a new competition that we?re hosting this year which is looking to find the biggest doe in South Carolina.  Not every hunter will have the chance to get a monster buck, but many hunters get good chances at harvesting a nice doe.  The competition winner will receive:
    1. A True Timber Camo Ground Blind
    2. A McKenzie Scent Fan Duffle Bag

We look forward to seeing what happens around the state again this year! 

* If you?re an organization interested in being a sponsor and would like to get involved, see the Sponsor FAQ page.




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